
  • Limited Edition of 75 • Size: 29" w x 39" h x 7" d

  • Approximate Run Time: 6+ Hours

About Synchronicity

Synchronicity kinetic sculpture by David C. Roy ©2020

Synchronicity - “the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection”-  (according to Oxford Languages via Google). Study the motion of this kinetic sculpture and you can see synchronicity in action.

I first demonstrated this motion in 1996 in a sculpture called Tango. The repair of an old Tango reminded me just how much I liked this pattern. I decided to see what I could do with this concept again couple of decades further along. I find it fascinating to approach earlier designs with the knowledge gained from years of continued experimentation and see how I can improve upon them.

What I liked about the Tango motion was its synchronicity - although it took my son-in-law to suggest the word. (My daughter and her family are living in a section of my studio during Covid to escape their city life. He has had ample time to observe this sculpture during development.) 

Synchronicity a kinetic sculpture by David C. Roy @2020

Each of the crescent shaped wheels moves independently but they frequently get into what seems to be a synchronized pattern with either one crescent rolling around the other or alternatively overlapping each other. These patterns seem to occur randomly so I find myself watching for them. My favorite sculptures are ones that keep me waiting for something “special” to happen. It is a great way to meditate and wile away the hours.

Synchronicity is the latest sculpture to evolve from my ongoing exploration of chaotic and unpredictable motions. It produces a rhythmic, soft clicking sound with an occasional louder melodic click every few rotations.

Synchronicity a kinetic sculpture by David C. Roy @2020
Synchronicity a kinetic sculpture by David C. Roy @2020